Data Ethics in Marketing

Author: N/A; Publisher: The Marketing Analytics Show; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses how successful marketing is centered around building trust and relationships with consumers. In a world of cookie pop-ups and privacy invasions, consent and full transparency about data use are more relevant than ever. With the need to comply with legal policies, businesses often take a business-focused legal…

Why Data Ethics in Marketing is Important and What to Do About It

Author: Stéphane Hamel; Publisher: Supermetrics; Publication Year: 2020. The following article explains how data ethics is still a relatively new concept. It explains why data ethics has become a major topic in marketing and explains the concerns that are around it and 4 benefits of data ethics in marketing: customer centricity, building trust, repeat business and referrals, and it’s the future. The author also asks us to think about…

The Murky Ethics of Data Gathering in a Post-Cambridge Analytica World

Author: Sarah Steimer; Publisher: American Marketing Association; Publication Year: 2018. The following article pertains to the ethical use of customers’ information in marketing campaigns. The article starts by explaining that Cambridge Analytica hired an individual to acquire personal information on Facebook users by collecting their information through a seemingly innocent personality quiz. This occurrence led to Cambridge Analytica…

Data in Advertising: What it Means to be an Ethical Marketer

Author: Michael Peralta; Publisher: iab. Tech Lab; Publication Year: 2022. The following article emphasizes the importance of ethical data collection and utilization in marketing, in addition to providing a set of principles to be followed when sourcing data for marketing purposes. Peralta argues that, while first-party data is often ethically sourced, third-party data (which is essentially obtained from an organization…

How Data Brokers Sold My Identity

Author: Madhumita Murgia; Publisher: TED; Publication Year: 2017. In the following talk, Madhumita discusses how data privacy is still a huge issue. Even though data is anonymized there are still key identifying information such as gender, zip code, etc. that can narrow down the potential people it could be. When this data is shared and analyzed it can be sold to third parties and used to target your feeds. Many large…

What are the Ethical Concerns of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing?

Author: Kevin Walsh, Paul Roetzer

Publisher: HubSpot

Publication Year: 2019

Summary: The following video notes that individuals frequently make a trade off between privacy and convenience in order to receive personalized content, which firms can then use to target how they market to audiences. This brings up issues of ethics in using artificial intelligence (AI) for marketing. Paul notes that there is currently a race to push forward AI…

Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Ethics of Marketing Analytics

Author: Julia Hopkins; Publisher: University of New Hampshire Scholars’ Repository ; Publication Year: 2016. The following thesis study talks about the effectiveness, efficiency, and ethics of marketing analytics. Also, the author says how targeted advertising affects the brand’s perception by consumers at the concepts of data marketing and re-targeted ads from 3 aspects: 1). Are marketers sending the right advertisement, to the right customer, at the right…

5 Growing Ethical Issues in Online Marketing You Need to be Aware of

Author: Jerin Michael; Publisher: Growth Animals; Publication Year: 2021. The following article discusses how there are 5 main ethical issues to look for when it comes to online marketing. The first is consumer privacy. Using online tracking, search engines are able to gather information about people and use that information to sell products and advertise to certain people that have shown interest in similar products. The…

Why Marketers Must Embrace Ethical Data Use

Author: Gabrielle Robitaille; Publisher: World Federation of Advertisers; Publication Year: 2020. The following article focuses on how gaining consumer trust is key for business success, and the adoption of data ethics in marketing and advertising allows companies to build upon this trust. In a society saturated with advanced technology, prioritizing the consumer and their ethical concerns allows businesses to stand out. Business interest and…

General Data Protection Regulation

Author: N/A; Publisher: Intersoft Consulting; Publication Year: 2018. The following document discusses how the General Data Protection Regulation is a fundamental document that imposes regulations in the European Union regarding data collection, usage, and proliferation. It was established in 2018 and is arguably one of the world’s most strict legislatures about data. The document consists of 11 chapters. It…