Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Author: N/A; Publisher: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Publication Year: 2020. In the following article, Dr. Müller at Stanford discusses why artificial intelligence (AI) system scandals are covered differently in the media. For a problem to qualify as a problem for AI ethics would require that we do not readily know what the right thing to do is. In this sense, job loss, theft, or killing with AI is not a problem in ethics, but whether these…

Scientific Research and Big Data

Author: N/A; Publisher: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Publication Year: 2020. The following resource is primarily focused on the way that big data and machine learning algorithms has changed the process of knowledge generation. At the end it explores the ethical constraints that arise from these developments. Aside from the usual concerns about discrimination, the article highlights the enormous incentives that…

Internet Research Ethics

Author: Elizabeth A. Buchanan; Publisher: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Publication Year: 2021. The following resource discusses how internet research comes with a myriad of ethical questions: What ethical obligations do researchers have to protect the privacy of subjects engaging in activities in “public” internet spaces? What are such public spaces? Is there any reasonable expectation of privacy in an era of pervasive and ubiquitous…