Big Data Ethics Recommendations for the Insurance Industry

Author: Christian Mottas; Publisher: University of Zurich; Publication Year: 2019. The following article discusses how insurers should not use data that is not related to the insured risk because such behavior will damage the customer’s trust in the insurance industry. Regulators should implement provisions specific to the insurance industry to deter unwanted forms of personalization using Big Data…

Data Ethics: the Bridge to Better Banking

Author: Tim Sheehan; Publisher: GWI; Publication Year: N/A. The following article discusses how banks are starting to change the way they do business due to so much data being available. But the banking companies do not want to lose the trust of their customers. The article suggests for banks to share with their customers what data they have collected on them, allow for opt-in consent, only get what data they…

Data Ethics and the Impact on Customer Service

Author: N/A; Publisher: Telus International; Publication Year: 2019. The following article talks about a digital security software company Thales, which says, the majority of consumers say companies are responsible for protecting them from data breaches, with 64% reporting they’re “unlikely to do business with a company where their financial or sensitive data was stolen.” Data stewardship and protection, therefore, is an…

Why Marketers Must Embrace Ethical Data Use

Author: Gabrielle Robitaille; Publisher: World Federation of Advertisers; Publication Year: 2020. The following article focuses on how gaining consumer trust is key for business success, and the adoption of data ethics in marketing and advertising allows companies to build upon this trust. In a society saturated with advanced technology, prioritizing the consumer and their ethical concerns allows businesses to stand out. Business interest and…