How Will Self-Flying Aircraft Make Ethical Choices?

Author: Thom Patterson; Publisher: Flying; Publication Year: 2022. The following article looked at the future of flying aircraft. Currently, companies are working on creating self-flying aircraft which could be beneficial for the future. Companies use data in order to train self-flying aircraft to have them take a certain path to reach the given destination. These aircraft get better each time after doing repetitive tasks…

Privacy Lost In The Age Of ADS-B

Author: Jeff Simon; Publisher: Plane & Pilot; Publication Year: 2020. The following article discusses how airplanes are being tracked every second of the day. If you decide to take a flight from RDU to ATL, anyone around the world can track that flight and see when you have landed in ATL, and this is because airplane flight data is public data. This ADB-S data is available and is helpful for air traffic control, so it has its…

How Can the Aviation Industry Make AI Safer?

Author: Arathi Sethumadhavan, Joe Garvin; Publisher: World Economic Forum; Publication Year: 2022. The following article describes how now that the field of artificial intelligence is growing, data scientists and executives can benefit from looking to the aviation industry, a field known for its emphasis on regulation and safety measures, as a standard for improving data ethics. Like the aviation industry, AI involves high-…