Performing Artists Push for Copyright Protection from AI Deepfakes

Author: Umberto Bacchi; Publisher: Reuters; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses how TikTok’s original text to speech voice was modeled after Bev Standing, a Canadian voice actress, whose performance was never licensed by the platform. Instead, some of her previous work was acquired by the developers, and an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm was used to develop the voice that was ultimately…

The Role of the Arts and Humanities in Thinking About Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Author: John Tasioulas; Publisher: Ada Lovelace Institute; Publication Year: 2021. The following article takes a somewhat antagonistic view against the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the author aims to persuade how the arts and humanities can be used to question the development of AI-based systems. The article is a useful wake up call to the fact that many people view the development of AI as an attack on their being, and…

The Ethics of the AI Song Contest

Author: Ed Newton-Rex, Hendrik Vincent Koops; Publisher: Medium; Publication Year: 2020. The following article discusses the ethical considerations behind using artificial intelligence (AI) to help create music. The author served as a judge for a song contest. In this contest, contestants utilized AI in some capacity in the creation of their songs. Ethics was not a major part of the contest, but the author posed 2 questions to contestants: How do you…

Can the Film Industry Be Trusted with AI Technology?

Author: Ed Lamb; Publisher: The New Statesman; Publication Year: 2021. The following article addresses the recent documentary about chef and TV personality Anthony Bourdain, where artificial intelligence (AI) was used to recreate his voice in a documentary posthumously. Lamb makes the point that the only reason we know that AI was used to generate his voice was due to an interview with the director; otherwise, it was…