Data Ethics in Marketing

Author: N/A; Publisher: The Marketing Analytics Show; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses how successful marketing is centered around building trust and relationships with consumers. In a world of cookie pop-ups and privacy invasions, consent and full transparency about data use are more relevant than ever. With the need to comply with legal policies, businesses often take a business-focused legal…

The Rise of AAAI: How a Data Ethics Framework Drives Value

Author: Leanne Allen; Publisher: KPMG International; Publication Year: 2020. The following article discusses how COVID-19 accelerated the implementation of Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), and this trend changed how customers interact with financial companies. On the other hand, financial companies reported a 3% decline in consumer trust after the outbreak of COVID-19. Now, the consumers want greater…

Operationalising data ethics in the financial services sector

Author: Karishma Brahmbhatt; Publisher: Allen & Overy; Publication Year: 2019. The following article describes how in light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the Financial Services Sector is scrambling to implement data ethics into their data collection and analysis processes. Without an ethical mindset, Brahmbhatt argues that the industry not only risks losing consumer trust, but may also face punitive legal action. Thus, Brahmbhatt…

Startups Should Have a Chief Data Ethics Officer

Author: John Story; Publisher: Built In; Publication Year: 2021. The following article discusses how successful businesses understand that transparent data practices build consumer trust and confidence. Now, more than ever, companies are creating a Chief Data Ethics Officer (CDEO) position. They are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of data collection, even the destruction of data, follow legal and…

How Data Privacy Leader Apple Found Itself in a Data Ethics Catastrophe

Author: Daniel Lu, Mike Loukides; Publisher: O’Reilly; Publication Year: 2020. The following article uses a terribly unsuccessful product launch between Apple and Goldman Sachs to establish the difference between compliance and ethics, show that even companies with the best data privacy reputations still must maintain diligence, and illustrate how unethical behavior by companies can negatively affect consumer trust and…

How Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Can Accelerate Your Data Strategy

Author: N/A; Publisher: Harvard Business Review; Publication Year: 2021. The following article focuses on privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) and how “vendors should be able to explain the technologies they use, and the benefits and trade-offs of each, in helping you maintain compliance with data privacy regulations while building consumer trust.” The article lists 6 key features to consider…