It’s Good to Share: Why Environmental Scientists’ Ethics Are Out of Date

Author: Patricia A. Soranno, Kendra S. Cheruvelil, Kevin C. Elliott, Georgina M. Montgomery; Publisher: National Library of Medicine; Publication Year: 2015. The following article discusses how as data-sharing policies and ethics have become more prevalent in the sciences, the field of environmental sciences has not really caught up. This article further describes how in order for environmental science to be a more inclusive field, the scientists need to make the datasets that are serving as a basis for their…

It’s Good to Share: Why Environmental Scientists’ Ethics Are Out of Date

Author: Patricia A. Soranno, Kendra S. Cheruvelil, Kevin C. Elliott, Georgina M. Montgomery; Publisher: BioScience; Publication Year: 2015. The following article discusses how many times we are concerned with the ethics of oversharing data, but there are also ethical issues when it comes to undersharing. In many scientific fields we are seeing an increase in data being shared, however, when it comes to environmental science, very little is being shared. While many scientists feel that it is their…

AI for Climate: Freedom, Justice, and Other Ethical and Political Challenges

Author: Mark Coeckelbergh; Publisher: AI and Ethics; Publication Year: 2021. The following piece discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to help lessen climate change but can also exacerbate challenges. Examples mentioned are that computer data processing uses energy, can be used by fossil fuel industries, or contribute to excessive consumer consumption that harms the environment. This consideration was…

Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Research and Development: A Dual Advantage for Sustainability

Author: Erik Hermann, Gunter Hermann, Jean-Christophe Tremblay; Publisher: Springer Link; Publication Year: 2021. The following article discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common in chemistry research, and it has a lot of potentials to improve sustainability by leading to the development of sustainable materials and increasing the efficiency of R&D processes. This article talks about how data science ethics can be applied…