The FAIR Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship

Author: Mark D. Wilkinson et al.; Publisher: Nature; Publication Year: 2016. The following article focuses on the need to improve data handling in order to ensure the reproducibility of results published in scientific literature. It sets forth the FAIR data principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reproducibility). The article argues that FAIRness is a prerequisite for proper data management and stewardship. The…

How to Stop the Metaverse from Becoming the Internet’s Bad Sequel

Author: Micaela Mantegna; Publisher: TED; Publication Year: 2022. The following talk features Micaela Mantegna who is a video games lawyer who is an advocate for ways to improve the metaverse. She explains in this video how the metaverse is failing to reach its potential of being inclusive and accessible in its current state. Currently, access to the metaverse is based on how much an individual or organization can…

The Ethics of Big Data in Big Agriculture

Author: Isabelle M. Carbonell; Publisher: SSRN; Publication Year: 2016. The following article discusses how the use of data and technology is rapidly increasing in the agriculture industry. Many big-time companies and other large agriculture firms or farms have access to data that is allowing them to improve their farming such as knowing current trends, being able to predict how crops will grow next season, and more…

FAIR Principles

Author: N/A; Publisher: GO FAIR; Publication Year: 2016. The following article focusses on GO FAIR, a stakeholder-driven and self-governed initiative that aims to implement the FAIR data principles. They use Implementation Networks to define and create tools and materials for the Internet of FAIR Data and Services. FAIR stands for: 1). Findable: The first step in (re)using data is to find them. Metadata and…

Digital Ageism: Challenges and Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence for Older Adults

Author: Charlene Chu et al.; Publisher: The Gerontologist, Volume 62; Publication Year: 2022. The following paper explores the impacts of ageism and technology. They define “digital ageism” as the repercussions of bias against older individuals in the digital age. Ageism is formally defined as prejudicial attitudes toward older adult populations and the process of aging, discriminatory practices against older adults…

What Is Data Ethics and How Can Storage Improve Ethics Best Practices?

Author: Anonymous; Publisher: Pure Storage; Publication Year: N/A. The following article describes how data ethics presents a common and pressing issue in today’s data-driven society, but it extends past data collection. Cyberattacks have become increasingly common in recent years and AI technologies have increased their demand for customer data in order to make impactful decisions…

Mapping for Accessibility: A Case Study of Ethics in Data Science for Social Good

Author: Anissa Tanweer, Margaret Drouhard, Brittany Fiore-Gartland, et al.; Publisher: Bloomberg Data for Good Exchange Conference; Publication Year: 2017. The following article emphasizes how important it is to engage in ethical thinking at the early stages of a project and that the approach to ethical thinking should be a thoughtful and intentional balancing of priorities. The article looked into a case study where ethical decision-making was involved in every stage of the project…

The Tech That Comes Next: Technology Development for the Social Impact Sector

Author: Amy Sample Ward, Afua Bruce; Publisher: Porchlight; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses building future technology within the social impact sector by developing systems and services where humans are centered and justice is pursued. The social impact sector exists to improve lives and the security and privacy that organizations implement in their program designs that need to be…