Ethical Use of Big Data in Financial Services

Author: N/A; Publisher: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales; Publication Year: N/A. The following article talks about how the boards need to lead their businesses on the “right thing to do,” both in terms of the law, their regulatory responsibilities (i.e., treating customers fairly outcomes) and ethics. When shifting towards greater use of technology, banks, insurers, and investment managers need to be pragmatic about the value of…

Real-life Examples of Discriminating Artificial Intelligence

Author: Terence Shin; Publisher: Medium; Publication Year: 2020. The following article begins by giving a brief overview of how dangerous artificial intelligence (AI) models can be if they are not properly checked for biases, then it dives into 3 real-world examples of actual ethical violations and biases that have happened in decision-making processes in real companies. The first involved a healthcare service favoring patients…

Teaching Ethics and AI for Ethics

Author: Steven M. Mintz; Publisher: Strategic Finance; Publication Year: 2021. The following article discusses how data ethics is vital for young professionals to learn in a new automated, decision-making world in finance. For this reason, it is important to add data ethics into the accounting curriculum to stay ahead of the ethical issues. As many of the other resources have stated artificial intelligence (AI) use has many benefits but…

Can Data Science Change Human Resources?

Author: Peter Cappelli, Prasand Tambe, Valery Yakubovich; Publisher: Research Gate; Publication Year: 2020. The following article discusses how the need for better and more objective decisions is evident. It is also clear that the realities and context of human resources is often lost on data scientists racing to introduce tools developed in other contexts….

The Ethical Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars

Author: Patrick Lin; Publisher: TED-Ed; Publication Year: 2015. The following video breaks down a real-life ethical decision that has to be made when utilizing automated systems, particularly self-driving cars. The author presents a scenario in which a self-driving car is boxed into a lane, with 2 cars on each side of him and a dump truck ahead of him. Heavy items begin to fall out of the dump truck that will possibly…

The Ethics of Data Science

Author: Lee Schlenker; Publisher: Medium; Publication Year: 2019. The following article introduces the concept of data science by first stating the importance and the reach that data scientists have in the world. Data scientists help drive decision-making across many different industries and help drive important decisions across the world. With that in mind, the article emphasizes the importance of the human impact of…

Measuring Ethical Behavior with AI and Natural Language Processing to Assess Business Success

Author: Katyanna Quach; Publisher: Scientific Reports; Publication Year: 2022. The following article provides a very unique way in explaining the successful traits needed for different ethical decision-making and value considerations in practical applications. The focus on innate animal behavior and setting certain types of traits up for success is just as important to consider so it does not impede the overall vision…

The Ethics of People Analytics and AI in the Workplace: Four Dimensions of Trust

Author: Josh Bersin; Publisher: The Medium; Publication Year: 2019. The following article first establishes several ethical issues that can result from using artificial intelligence (AI) in hiring, managing employees, or making other decisions base on data about humans. For example, if a company purchases a license to use such a software that has been developed by another organization, they will be held responsible for…

Op-Ed: The Role of Ethics in Data-Driven Policymaking

Author: Jenna Shelton; Publisher: Brief Policy Perspectives; Publication Year: 2019. The following article is an opinion piece about the need for policymakers to use data ethically. The author points out that data can help inform public policy and lead to better decision-making. But policymakers must keep ethical considerations in mind when using the data. These considerations are: 1). If/how the data were misused in the past: the…

Ethical AI Development: Evidence from AI Startups

Author: James Bessen, Stephen Michael Impink, Robert Seamans; Publisher: The Center on Regulation and Markets at Brookings; Publication Year: 2022. The following paper discusses an academic approach to researching and quantifying artificial intelligence ethic progress in the start-up space. With much of the program going to smaller companies, we will have the opportunity to shape how new businesses and leaders are considering these questions in their decision-making…