A Framework for Centering Racial Equity Throughout the Administrative Data Life Cycle

Author: Amy L Hawn Nelson, Sharon Zanti; Publisher: International Journal of Population Data Science; Publication Date: 2020. The following PDF is a framework for centering racial equity throughout the administrative data lifecycle. This is an important concept because bias and racism and unethical data practices can creep into the process at any point along the way. If too much emphasis is placed on one of the aspects of the lifecycle compared…

Social Data: Biases, Methodological Pitfalls, and Ethical Boundaries

Author: Alexandra Olteanu, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz, Emre Kiciman; Publisher: Frontiers; Publication Year: 2019. The following article discusses how the promises of social data are many, including understanding “what the world thinks” about a social issue, brand, celebrity, or other entity, as well as enabling better decision-making in a variety of fields…

Sports Analytics: An Ethical Assessment of Current Regulations, Current Sources of Risk, and Future Sources of Risk

Author: Alanna Flores; Publisher: School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Virginia; Publication Year: 2020. The following resource suggests that the collection of biometric data has incredibly personal information that is often mistreated, and should be owned by the individual so as to not invade any privacy on their behalf. There is a strong potential for unintended consequences arising from the personal nature of biometric data…

Automated Soccer Head Impact Exposure Tracking Using Video and Deep Learning

Author: Ahmad Rezaei and Lyndia C. Wu; Publisher: Nature; Publication Year: 2022. The following article is a practical and strong use case for AI-driven technologies in video recognition. This data-driven algorithm uses video information to detect headers in soccer play, combined with spatial and temporal information to make decisions. This study exposes different ways sports are adopting data science in…

Algorithmic Injustice: A Relational Ethics Approach

Author: Abeba Dirhane; Publisher: CellPress Open Access; Publication Year: 2021. The following paper focuses on how it has become trivial to point out that algorithmic systems increasingly pervade the social sphere. Improved efficiency—the hallmark of these systems—drives their mass integration into day-to-day life. However, as a robust body of research in the area of algorithmic injustice shows…

Big Data: Destroyer of Informed Consent

Author: A. Michael Froomkin; Publisher: Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics, and Yale Journal of Law & Technology; Publication Year: 2019. The following article focuses on how a regulation was changed in 2019 to revise what it means for the requirement of informed consent. Now that companies collect data virtually everywhere and data scientists are trying to find correlations in virtually anything i.e. Machine Learning algorithms clustering people in an uneasily…