Review of Digital Economy Research in China: A Framework Analysis Based on Bibliometrics

Author: Yanmin Xu, Yitao Tao, Chunjiong Zhang, Mingxing Xie, Wengang Li, Jianjiang Tai; Publisher: Hindawi; Publication Year: 2022. The following article talks about how ethical considerations also need to be taken when using data for use of digital economies. This article discusses how digital economies are being introduced in parts of China, and what ethical issues can arise…

Study: Data Ethics is a Priority for CMOs but Half Don’t Know What That Truly Means

Author: Chloe Tan; Publisher: Marketing-Interactive; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses a study on how chief marketing officers are emphasizing that data ethics is important within their company but many do not actually know what it truly means. Essentially they do not know that deep ethical considerations need to be taken account or biases could occur, and they think a…

Social Data: Biases, Methodological Pitfalls, and Ethical Boundaries

Author: Alexandra Olteanu, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz, Emre Kiciman; Publisher: Frontiers; Publication Year: 2019. The following article discusses how the promises of social data are many, including understanding “what the world thinks” about a social issue, brand, celebrity, or other entity, as well as enabling better decision-making in a variety of fields…

Ethics in Action – MIT

Author: Adam Zewe; Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Publication Year: 2022. The following article explains how MIT has begun offering an Experiential Ethics summer course in which students work through real-world ethical dilemmas while often interning in the same fields that they’re studying. The 3-year-old course focuses on ethical concepts like the intercepts of technology with justice and…