The Good, The Bad, and The Creepy: Why Data Scientists Need to Understand Ethics

Author: Jennifer Priestly; Publisher: SAS Users; Publication Year: 2018. The following article discusses how the data ecosystem is evolving. Data used to be small, structured, and static. Then it became large, unstructured, and in motion. Now it is massive, integrated, and dynamic. The issues related to ethics are much more complex than they used to be. Why do data scientists need to understand ethics? Well, a few people can…

The Harms of Targeted Weight Loss Ads

Author: Liza Gak, Kyle Polich; Publisher: Data Skeptic; Publication Year: 2022. The following podcast episode features Kyle who interviews Liza about her work doing interviews centered on people’s experience with weight loss advertisements. Ethical topics that were raised include how a person’s digital footprint can follow them for years and trigger advertisements that are un-healthful for individuals (i.e. targeting weight loss adds to…