Financial Services Firms Turn to Data Ethics to Manage Digital Risks

Author: Steven Tiell; Publisher: Accenture; Publication Year: 2021. The following article talks about how In 2021, data ethics will be the tool financial services firms choose to manage digital risks in automation and cybersecurity. Practicing data ethics helps organizations to identify these risks early in the development of new products and services, and to intervene with tools, assessments, and governance processes…

Teaching Ethics and AI for Ethics

Author: Steven M. Mintz; Publisher: Strategic Finance; Publication Year: 2021. The following article discusses how data ethics is vital for young professionals to learn in a new automated, decision-making world in finance. For this reason, it is important to add data ethics into the accounting curriculum to stay ahead of the ethical issues. As many of the other resources have stated artificial intelligence (AI) use has many benefits but…

Shannon Vallor

Author: Shannon Vallor; Publisher: Shannon Vallor; Publication Year: N/A. The following source features Shannon Vallor who is one of the most prominent names in data ethics. She describes her research as investigating the “philosophy and ethics of emerging science and technologies.” Specifically, her work pertains to how automation and artificial intelligence can create ethical biases and drive changes in human behavior and…

Algorithmic Bias Detection and Mitigation: Best Practices and Policies to Reduce Consumer Harms

Author: Nicole Turner Lee, Paul Resnick, Genie Barton; Publisher: Brookings; Publication Year: 2019. The following article introduces a framework for algorithmic hygiene which lists specific causes of bias with best practices on how to recognize these biases and eliminate them. The paper also includes a questions template for identifying the impact of bias whenever you start a data-driven project. The questions template had these main questions…

Big Data Ethics: Redefining Values in the Digital World

Author: N/A; Publisher: Thomson Reuters; Publication Year: N/A. The following article discusses how there are additional ethical challenges that come into play when working with Big Data. Since there are so many observations being brought in, and often times this is an automated process with data being refreshed rapidly, ethics are often ignored so as to maximize profits and performance…

Even Artificial Intelligence can Acquire Biases Against Race and Gender

Author: Matthew Hutson; Publisher: Science; Publication Year: 2017. The following article discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) is just an extension of our existing culture. There is a common misconception that since artificial intelligence is automated and programmed, it is immune from biases because it makes decisions without the added factor of human emotions. However, these AI systems are taking in loads of…

Justice for “Data Janitors”

Author: Lilly Irani; Publisher: Public Books; Publication Year: 2015. The following article describes how when things in the technology world become automated, the work that is being “replaced” is not actually replaced, but displaced. For example, a manufacturing process that has been automated may replace the individual workers, but over the long term, it just displaces them to monitor the machines and facilitate…

The Ethics of Data Science

Author: Lee Schlenker; Publisher: Medium; Publication Year: 2019. The following article introduces the concept of data science by first stating the importance and the reach that data scientists have in the world. Data scientists help drive decision-making across many different industries and help drive important decisions across the world. With that in mind, the article emphasizes the importance of the human impact of…

Ethical and Social Risks of Harm from Language Models

Author: Laura Weidinger et. al.; Publisher: DeepMind; Publication Year: 2021. The following research paper helps organize the risk landscape associated with large-scale Language Models (LMs). To advance responsible innovation, a thorough understanding of the potential risks posed by these models is required. This report discusses 21 different types of ethics risks, as well as the sources of those risks and potential risk…

Data Ethics

Author: N/A; Publisher: Cognizant; Publication Year: N/A. The following glossary entry defines and expands on the concept of data ethics. The entry defines data ethics as a branch of ethics that evaluates data practices—collecting, generating, analyzing and disseminating data, both structured and unstructured—that have the potential to adversely impact people and society. It…