AI Creating Art is an Ethical and Copyright Nightmare

Author: Luke Plunkett; Publisher: Kotaku; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses how using artificial intelligence (AI) to create art is somewhat new, but growing rapidly. AI art is when “artists write algorithms not to follow a set of rules, but to ‘learn’ a specific aesthetic by analyzing thousands of images. The algorithm then tries to generate new images in adherence to the aesthetics it has learned…

Justice for “Data Janitors”

Author: Lilly Irani; Publisher: Public Books; Publication Year: 2015. The following article describes how when things in the technology world become automated, the work that is being “replaced” is not actually replaced, but displaced. For example, a manufacturing process that has been automated may replace the individual workers, but over the long term, it just displaces them to monitor the machines and facilitate…