Data Responsibility: Using Corporate Data to Improve Our Lives

Author: Stefaan Verhulst; Publisher: TEDx Talks; Publication Year: 2017. The following talk opens with a story on how big data collected by corporations have been essential in disaster relief, and how this could be just the beginning. He ultimately argues that we need a new kind of data responsibility, advocating for 3 pillars in this new paradigm: a duty to share, a duty to protect, and a responsiveness to actually act upon the…

Google Head of Ethical AI Research on Data Biases and Ethics

Author: N/A; Publisher: Speevr; Publication Year: 2020. The following article discusses how the cause for our data ethics concerns stems from artificial intelligence (AI) starting to work. It used to be theoretical, but now these models can work but it directly can massively affect millions and millions of people. The problem is that people who curate data will have bias from people. When we develop…

Data Mining: How You’re Revealing More Than You Think

Author: N/A; Publisher: SciShow; Publication Year: 2018. The following video describes how when many people hear the phrase “data mining,” they think that is great and it can be, but can also cause issues due to how powerful it is. This video discusses instances such as the Target algorithm that led a father to find out his daughter was pregnant before she even knew. The speaker in the video says that data…

The Good, The Bad, and The Creepy: Why Data Scientists Need to Understand Ethics

Author: Jennifer Priestly; Publisher: SAS Users; Publication Year: 2018. The following article discusses how the data ecosystem is evolving. Data used to be small, structured, and static. Then it became large, unstructured, and in motion. Now it is massive, integrated, and dynamic. The issues related to ethics are much more complex than they used to be. Why do data scientists need to understand ethics? Well, a few people can…

Can We Build AI Without Losing Control Over It?

Author: Sam Harris; Publisher: TED; Publication Year: N/A. The following talk emphasizes the importance of knowing what we are developing in artificial intelligence (AI) and how it could potentially affect us. While we keep developing intelligent machines, we are not doing enough to figure out how to create conditions in which we can use these machines safely. The author explains that one only…

How Biased Are Our Algorithms?

Author: Safiya Umoja Noble; Publisher: TEDx Talks; Publication Year: 2014. The following video initially discusses how the speaker is not the same skin tone as her white mother. She then goes into discussing the cultural revolution that was happening during her childhood in the 70s and 80s. In referencing a study that was done in the 40s based on giving Black children both a Black and a white doll and asking questions…

Why Does Technology Need Ethics? | CEO of Parity, Rumman Chowdhury

Author: Rumman Chowdhury; Publisher: Parity; Publication Year: 2021. The following talk addresses the question: Why does technology need ethics? Dr. Chowdhury describes 2 kinds of bias, a quantitative one and a qualitative one, specifically data and reporting bias and design bias. She poses the question: what are we assuming this AI can do? As data scientists, we make assumptions about our data and what it is measuring…

Responsible AI: Data Science and Ethics with Dr. Rumman Chowdhury

Author: Rumman Chowdhury; Publisher: Accenture Technology; Publication Year: 2019. In the following video, Dr. Ruman Chowdury explains how “[artificial intelligence (AI)] is information about people meant to understand trends about human behavior.” There are 2 kinds of bias: bias in data and models and bias in the imperfect world. Ethics is not just about improving technology but improving the society behind the technology. Technologists…

Can We Protect AI from Our Biases?

Author: Robin Hauser; Publisher: TED; Publication Year: N/A. In the following talk, Robin Hauser talks about unconscious bias in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. As part of producing her new movie about unconscious bias, she became interested in finding out whether it would be possible to create AI without bias. As she came to find out, it is oftentimes harder to create unbiased algorithms for multiple…

Can Algorithms Reduce Inequality?

Author: Rediet Abebe; Publisher: TED; Publication Year: N/A. The following talk discusses how algorithms can be designed to reduce inequality by bringing in diverse groups of stakeholders. Collaboration between policymakers and algorithm designers can improve outcomes of applied algorithms. Social scientists should be included in implementation as well to promote equality and justice. This TED talk includes…