How Biased Are Our Algorithms?

Author: Safiya Umoja Noble

Publisher: TEDx Talks

Publication Year: 2014

Summary: The following video initially discusses how the speaker is not the same skin tone as her white mother. She then goes into discussing the cultural revolution that was happening during her childhood in the 70s and 80s. In referencing a study that was done in the 40s based on giving Black children both a Black and a white doll and asking questions about these dolls, she talked about the bias in how these Black children preferred the white dolls. She says that she sees how this translates to today’s AI from her experiences as a social scientist. When looking up specific races, artificial intelligence (AI) returns biased images based on explicit search results for inputs that seem innocuous. For example, typing Black woman returned sexually explicit images instead of generic images. She talks about the importance of those creating the AI to preference search query responses that are ethically unbiased.