How Will Self-Flying Aircraft Make Ethical Choices?

Author: Thom Patterson; Publisher: Flying; Publication Year: 2022. The following article looked at the future of flying aircraft. Currently, companies are working on creating self-flying aircraft which could be beneficial for the future. Companies use data in order to train self-flying aircraft to have them take a certain path to reach the given destination. These aircraft get better each time after doing repetitive tasks…

Moral Machine

Author: Iyad Rahwan, Jean-Francois Bonnefon, Azim Shariff; Publisher: Moral Machine; Publication Year: N/A. The following resource is an interactive tool that presents the user with several “trolley problem” type situations in which an autonomous vehicle will crash into 1 of 2 groups of people, varying in age, gender, profession, etc. The tool aims not only to crowd-source public opinion on the specific situations presented but to start a conversation about…