Locked Out by Big Data: How Big Data, Algorithms and Machine Learning May Undermine Housing Justice

Author: Valerie Schneider; Publisher: Columbia Human Rights Law Review; Publication Year: 2020. The following article is a very granular deep dive into how artificial intelligence (AI) can lead to discrimination in housing and how this relates to Fair Housing Act “disparate impact” jurisprudence. The motivation for the article was a proposed rule from HUD that would have immunized landlords using algorithms from disparate impact fair housing claims…

Bad, biased, and unethical uses of AI

Author: Anthony Macciola; Publisher: The Enterprisers Project; Publication Year: 2019. The following article provides 4 examples of bad, biased, or unethical uses of AI, as well as guidance for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) on how to avoid running into these issues. The first example describes a mortgage lending algorithm that perpetuated the effects of redlining by collecting ZIP codes, assuming race…