How Cops Are Using Algorithms to Predict Crimes

Author: N/A; Publisher: Wired; Publication Year: 2018. The following video discusses how cops in Los Angeles (& many places) are using predictive algorithms in policing. Proponents say it is effective at reducing crime, but many people argue that it helps police justify racial profiling. The data is biased because policing statistics have always disproportionately targeted minorities, so these algorithms can not…

The Danger of Predictive Algorithms in Criminal Justice

Author: Hany Farid; Publisher: TEDx Talks; Publication Year: 2018. The following video discusses how predictive algorithms are widespread and have ethical issues. He gave one study example where random internet people were given prompts and asked to guess recidivism and they had nearly the same results as the algorithm, and though neither the people nor the algorithm knew the race, they were both…