Teaching Data Ethics: We’re Going to Ethics the Heck Out of This

Author: Tristan Henderson; Publisher: Association for Computing (ACM) Machinery Digital Library; Publication Year: 2019. The following paper outlines a new Data Ethics & Privacy module that was introduced to computer science students in 2018. The module aims to raise student awareness of current debates in computer science such as bias in artificial intelligence, algorithmic accountability, filter bubbles and data protection, and practical mechanisms for…

DeepMind is asking how AI helped turn the internet into an echo chamber

Author: Karen Hao; Publisher: MIT Technology Review; Publication Year: 2019. The following article discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) furthers the “filter bubble” online. Users tend to interact with content that they enjoy, which allows recommendation systems to provide more of that content. The potential issue with this is that the other side of the story is increasingly left out of results. Users are fed what they…