Fellowship Recipient Uses Data Science to Fight for LGBTQ Rights

Author: N/A; Publisher: Berkeley School of Information; Publication Year: 2019. The following article talks about how one student is using data science to better the world. Master of Information and Data Science student and 2019 recipient of the Paul Fasana LGBTQ Studies Fellowship, Christina Papadimitriou is using the fellowship for her research for LGBTQ equality and rights. She has done various works to order to improve…

How Artificial Intelligence can Help Combat Systemic Racism

Author: Scott Murray; Publisher: MIT News; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses how facial recognition algorithms have been known to be less accurate when detecting darker-skinned individuals, resulting in harmful bias and wrongful use. Rather than combating systemic racism and social inequalities, artificial intelligence (AI) is seemingly perpetuating these disparities, demonstrating the great…