Author: Thomas Macaulay, Alejandro Saucedo

Publisher: The Next Web

Publication Year: 2022

Summary: The following article discusses how almost all artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are inherently biased as they do exactly what us the programmers tell them to do and we are all inherently biased ourselves. This resource is an interview with Alejandro Saucedo, Chief Scientist at The Institute for Ethical AI, who discusses his main points of what needs to be done to work against these inherent biases. The 3 points which he discusses are explainability, accountability, and security. Explainability discusses that transparency of the algorithm needs to be publicly available to all people that are included. Accountability is important because the best practices need to always be put into place. Security needs to be thought of to make sure if the AI systems go wrong, the company who did so is not at fault by previously taking this into account to also avoid misuse of the data.