Author: N/A

Publisher: Odyssey Learning Project

Publication Year: 2018

Summary: The following video does an excellent job of breaking down the extensive and complicated challenge of data ethics into its most basic and essential parts. First, the author dives into the idea of sensitive data, which they define as “personally identifiable information.” They explain that it is essential to be careful about how this type of data is used, sense it contains personal information about the people who provided it, or who it was collected on. The author explains how many other concerns stem from sensitive data, such as how the data is used, who will know about it, and what are the consequences of them having the data. The author concludes by providing a rule of thumb for always looking into possible ethical considerations at the start of every research project, before even diving into the data. This is what we did for our practicum project and it will be crucial for us to solidify our reputations of ethical data scientists.