Author: Richard Novak

Publisher: ProQuest

Publication Year: 2021

Summary: The following source discusses how although Big Data requires prioritization of social responsibility and adherence to data ethics, these areas tend to be understaffed. The 3 major stakeholder groups in Big Data include data-rich organizations, data-poor users, and data experts, where data experts play a major role in bridging the gap between the rich and poor users and can design ethical solutions to Big Data problems. Those considered data-rich have the skill and access to use technical means while their data-poor counterparts lack 1 of those key elements. As simultaneous members of both groups with the motivation and responsibility to promote data ethics, data experts have the means to influence major decisions. Data experts are guided by social norms and human values when providing valuable insight and acting as a balancing power between the two other stakeholder groups in the business and technical domains. Overall, the article emphasizes the value of data experts to encourage the ethical usage of Big Data.