Author: Peter Asaro

Publisher: IEEE Xplore

Publication Year: 2019

Summary: The following article looks at predictive policing from 2 lenses they refer to as the Ethics of Care Approach and the Models of Threat Approach. The Ethics of Care Approach “considers the factors that lead people to violate the law and seek out new interventions that make crimes less likely, thus requiring fewer resources to enforce the law.” The Models of Threat Approach seeks to “better identify violations of the law, and to predict when and where violations will occur, so as to better deploy police officers to respond.” It is important to keep in mind the idea that the goal of policing is the reduction and elimination of crime. This brings up important issues about how to determine whether a person is going to commit a crime, if discussing a crime has the same levels of consequence for someone who has never committed a crime versus someone who has committed a crime in the past; if its necessary to look at the reason of why a crime was committed in the first place.