Author: N/A

Publisher: Accenture

Publication Year: N/A

Summary: The following article discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) has proved to be beneficial to business time and time again but with the use of AI comes a great responsibility encompassing AI ethics, data governance, and trust and legality. As organizations begin scaling up their use of AI to make sure of insights for their business, they must be aware of the regulation and steps they must take to make sure theyโ€™re compliant, in other words implementing Responsible AI. โ€œResponsible AI is the practice of designing, developing, and deploying AI with good intention to empower employees and businesses, and fairly impact customers and societyโ€”allowing companies to engender trust and scale AI with confidence.โ€ The benefits of responsible AI include: minimizing unintended bias, ensuring transparency, creating opportunities for employees, protecting the privacy and security of data, and aiding clients and markets. To enable AI in a trustworthy manner there are key steps an organization must take: define and articulate Responsible AI, strengthen compliance, develop tools and techniques to support principles, and empower leaders to provide training so employees understand its imperative. It is crucial to identify bias before you scale by using an algorithmic assessment, a technical evaluation to find and address the risks and consequences of AI. This assessment is a series of qualitative and quantitative checks through different stages of AI development.