Author: Lauren Peate

Publisher: Multitudes

Publication Year: 2021

Summary: The following article and video discuss how when starting a new company that uses lots of user data, it is important to have a good set of principles to follow in regards to data ethics. At Multitudes, there are 5 main principles to be considered: 1). Autonomy: Customers must be in charge of what can and cannot be done with their own data; 2). Reciprocity: Data should only be collected if something of value can be provided to the customer in return; 3). Collective Benefit: Data collection should have a positive impact on everyone involved; 4). Context: All data that is used should be put in the proper context so it is not misused or misinterpreted; and 5). Accountability: If a mistake is made, users should feel able to report it and hold the company accountable.