Chapter 8: Data Science Ethics

Author: Benjamin S. Baumer, Daniel T. Kaplan, and Nicholas J. Horton; Publisher: Modern Data Science with R, 2nd edition; Publication Year: 2021. The following textbook chapter is about data ethics, but more specifically, a technical data science guide that puts so much emphasis on data ethics. The chapter begins by showing some clear examples of data visualizations being used to “lie with numbers,” such as inverting the y-axis to make an unfocused reader make…

The Big Data Agenda

Author: Annika Richterich; Publisher: University of Westminster Press, Google Books; Publication Year: 2018. The following article highlights that gathering and analyzing big data raises many ethical issues. She gives a lot of background information on biomedical studies and the practices associated with their data collection. As big data research and technology corporations continue to work together, there are more…

Good Data

Author: Angela Daly, S. Kate Devitt, Monique Mann; Publisher: Insitute of Network Cultures (Google Books); Publication Year: 2019. The following book moves away from critiquing bad data and instead brainstorms a more optimistic vision of the field of data. They seek to promote conversations between many disciplines and stakeholders in order to raise awareness for good & ethical data practices. They combine expertise from many fields to get a…

Virtual Assistants and Ethical Implications

Author: Abhishek Kaul; Publisher: InTech Open; Publication Year: 2021. The following article discusses how consumers of a brand can have poor experiences and develop a lack of trust in the brand if virtual assistants are allowed to impersonate a human. Designers and developers of virtual assistants should be transparent in disclosing information to consumers in terms of what they can search…