Tag: Gender Bias
Ethics and AI: Tackling Biases Hidden in Big Data
Author: Nello Cristianini; Publisher: European Research Council; Publication Year: 2021. The following article features Nello Cristianini, a professor of artificial intelligence from the University of Bristol, studied gender bias in media at a macro scale…
The (Un)ethical Story of GPT-3: OpenAI’s Million Dollar Model
Author: Matthew Burruss; Publisher: Matthew Burruss Blog; Publication Year: 2022. The following article discusses how OpenAI’s GPT-3 has the potential to provide the world with truly transformative technology. Engaging in meaningful conversations about ways that…
Gender and Representation Bias in GPT-3 Generated Stories
Author: Li Lucy, David Bamman; Publisher: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Narrative Understanding; Publication Year: 2021. The following article talks about how GPT-3 is a commercially available natural language generator that has been shown…
Crunching the Numbers on Diversity in Data Science: Events & Resources to Foster Inclusion
Author: Laramie Paxton; Publisher: Medium; Publication Year: 2020. The following article describes how data science is currently one of the most attractive jobs due to job availability and competitive salaries, but it has a diversity…
Sexist and Biased? How Credit Firms Make Decisions
Algorithms, Apple, Artificial Intelligence, Credit Score, Gender Bias, Goldman Sachs, Historical DataAuthor: Kevin Peachey; Publisher: BBC News; Publication Year: 2019. The following article describes how in November 2019, a tech entrepreneur reported that he was approved credit 20 times more on his Apple Card than his…
How to Tackle Microaggressions in the Digital Workplace
Author: Kaya Ismail; Publisher: Reworked; Publication Year: 2022. The following article describes how microaggressions are subtle acts of discrimination that are not overt. Especially gender-based or racial-based microaggressions, such as pathologizing cultural values or communication…
The 2022 AI Index: AI’s Ethical Growing Pains
Author: Katherine Miller Publisher: Stanford University, Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Publication Year: 2022 Summary: The following article is concerned with language models. It briefly describes 3 ethical problems that are common with these models. First, they…