Category: Privacy
How Facial Recognition Technology Is Watching You In Places Like Casinos
Author: Thomas Brewster; Publisher: Forbes; Publication Year: 2022. The following video goes over the implementation of facial recognition technology in public places, specifically casinos. Both the creators of the facial recognition technology and another person…
Location Privacy and Data Ethics
Data Collection, Data Privacy, Equal Access, Geospatial Data, Location Privacy, Real-Time Data, TransparencyAuthor: N/A; Publisher: The MapScaping Podcast; Publication Year: 2020. The following podcast episode discusses how geospatial data can be powerful for driving business decisions and development but raises questions about location privacy and the ability…
Big Data, Financial Services and Privacy
Author: N/A; Publisher: The Economist; Publication Year: 2017. The following article discusses how bankers and insurers are using big data to better target customers and offering more personalized service. However, regulation and ethic code should…
AI-Powered ‘Genderify’ Platform Shut Down After Bias-Based Backlash
Author: N/A; Publisher: Synced; Publication Year: 2020. The following news article talks about Genderify, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tool designed to identify a person’s gender by analyzing their name, username or email address — has…
The Rising Concern Around Consumer Data And Privacy
Author: Swish Goswami; Publisher: Forbes; Publication Year: 2020. The following article explores the importance of privacy with regard to consumer data in the modern world, where privacy concerns have been rising. The author mentions how…
Amazon Scholars Michael Kearns and Aaron Roth Discuss the Ethics of Machine Learning
Author: Stephen Zorio; Publisher: Amazon: Science; Publication Year: 2020. In the following article, panelists discuss the tradeoff between accuracy and privacy when dealing with sensitive situations and machine learning (ML) models. They provide a relevant…