Category: Blog Article
Truth in Pictures: What Google Image Searches Tell Us About Inequality at Work
Author: Gretchen Hellman; Publisher: Diversity Employers; Publication Year: 2017. The following article speaks about the bias of search engines. If you were to look for images of a “professor” or “CEO” you would find images…
Why Marketers Must Embrace Ethical Data Use
Author: Gabrielle Robitaille; Publisher: World Federation of Advertisers; Publication Year: 2020. The following article focuses on how gaining consumer trust is key for business success, and the adoption of data ethics in marketing and advertising…
Big Data, Ethics and Children
Author: Gabrielle Berman; Publisher: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); Publication Year: 2017. In the following article, the author begins with the statistic that an estimated 1 out of 3 internet users are children. Children now…
Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Netflix
Author: Gabby Hoefer; Publisher: Medium; Publication Year: 2019. The following article talks about the ethicality of Netflix’s recommendation artificial intelligence. Something interesting: you can access all of the data Netflix has about your viewing habits.…
Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI
Author: N/A; Publisher: Intrepid Tech Ventures; Publication Year: N/A. The following article discusses how when data ethical considerations comes to mind, many people go straight to ethics relating to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.…
Advancing Racial Equity with Data
Author: Emily Hadley Publisher: RTI International Publication Year: 2022 Summary: The following article discusses how since 2020, the American Statistical Association (ASA) created the ASA Antiracism Task Force to advance racial equity and justice. The…
The Ethics of the AI Song Contest
Author: Ed Newton-Rex, Hendrik Vincent Koops; Publisher: Medium; Publication Year: 2020. The following article discusses the ethical considerations behind using artificial intelligence (AI) to help create music. The author served as a judge for a…