The impact of recommendation algorithms on the UK’s music industry

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Author: Various authors

Publisher: GOV.UK

Year: 2023

Summary: This study in the UK investigates the widespread belief that recommendation algorithms on streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music unfairly advantage certain populations and disadvantage others. The researchers found that streaming might in fact be counteracting historic bias, indicated by recent shifts towards less popular artists. However, regardless of their validity, this notion of algorithmic bias indicates a broader trust issue that still impacts streaming platforms. The researchers mention that recommendations are dominated by white male artists but note that this is likely a reflection of male dominance in the music industry. The study is important in part because of its motivation; popular mistrust in recommendation algorithms prompted a comprehensive analysis of bias, which is encouraging as the field of data ethics continues to develop. Other data scientists will benefit from considering how AI like the recommendation algorithms influences human behavior and introduces biases, and the conclusion of the study may even urge them to continue research on the subject.