3 Components CIOs Need to Create an Ethical AI Framework

Author: Anand Rao

Publisher: Information Week

Publication Year: 2021

Summary: The following article describes how only 20% of companies report having an ethical artificial intelligence framework in place, and just 35% have plans to improve the governance of AI systems and processes in 2021, according to PwC data. Every CIO needs a responsible AI plan before implementing the technology. Businesses shouldn’t wait for this to be mandatory. AI as a technology is neutral as it is not inherently ethical or unethical, but we need processes in place to confirm that ethics are embedded in AI systems. Consider hiring as an example. If the AI is not built or implemented with a responsible, ethical lens, it could end up doing more harm than good, which could lead to the business potentially bypassing ideal candidates.

To prevent situations like this, there are 3 parts to creating a responsible AI framework, no matter if CIOs are building AI or installing AI tools from technology vendors: 1). Review the AI at every stage. CIOs can’t simply have responsible AI use be a checkmark exercise at the end of the product roll-out. That way, CIOs can meet the ethical principles such as accountability, lawfulness, and fairness, to name a few. When building or implementing responsible AI, teams should focus on three items: the type of decisions the AI is making; the impact the AI’s decisions could have on humans and society; and to what extent humans are inside or outside the decision-making loop. By reviewing AI through these three areas, companies can determine the appropriate level of governance and feel more secure in the responsible use of AI; 2). Catalogue AI’s impact on systems An AI model is not infallible. It changes over time and so, too, can its impact on systems change. That’s why it’s important to know what systems the AI is using and what systems it is affecting. Both these items should be closely monitored throughout the AI’s lifecycle and revisited. If there’s a change in either system, humans should step in. AI shouldn’t operate entirely outside of human oversight and input. In fact, it’s critical that as CIOs monitor AI’s impact, they take corrective action; 3). Evaluate who the AI will impact and how A responsible AI framework is about reducing potential harm done by AI. So, it’s impossible to have strong AI governance in place that doesn’t evaluate the decision made or the outcome. Does AI pose a risk to an individual or society? Does it lead to an unethical outcome? This can be difficult for CIOs to assess. There are ethical principles that can help guide AI use. CIOs need to confirm these different frameworks are considered and the impact of AI is closely and regularly monitored. CIOs who implement AI can see lots of benefits. However, there are numerous risks businesses need to analyze, account for, and work to overcome. With the right responsible and ethical AI framework in place, CIOs can push the business to new heights and confirm the business, its employees and customers can trust their AI use.