AI Creating Art is an Ethical and Copyright Nightmare

Author: Luke Plunkett

Publisher: Kotaku

Publication Year: 2022

Summary: The following article discusses how using artificial intelligence (AI) to create art is somewhat new, but growing rapidly. AI art is when “artists write algorithms not to follow a set of rules, but to ‘learn’ a specific aesthetic by analyzing thousands of images. The algorithm then tries to generate new images in adherence to the aesthetics it has learned.” There are many issues about AI art that this article covers by talking to current artists. One of the major issues that is brought up a lot is the loss of jobs for entry-level artists. Right now, AI art is seen as “good enough” art to be used by low-level companies who do not know the risks that may come along with AI art. One of these risks is copyright infringement. The way AI creates this art is by “studying” existing art, stealing the style, then reproducing something in that style. Another issue that is brought up a lot is the idea of the art being “good enough.” Right now, the art is not good enough to replace top artists, however, the algorithms are improving so quickly that pretty soon they will be “good enough.” When this happens, you will see more companies turning to AI art rather than hiring real artists.



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