The Importance of Data Ethics | Google Data Analytics Certificate

Author: Google Career Certificates

Publisher: YouTube

Publication Year: 2021

Summary: The following video features Alex, a research scientist at Google, who talks about how their team works through challenges of how artificial intelligence (AI) interacts with society, specifically marginalized communities. They focus on not only how data can harm people, but also how data can improve people’s lives. Many organizations focus on making money, or producing results, but not on how to benefit the people represented by their data. “At the end of the day, data are people.” Alex emphasizes how data scientists should never forget that their data comes from real people, and data scientists have a responsibility to those people. Keeping people’s data private is another big concern of data scientists, as well as giving users back control over their data. Data is only going to continue to grow, making these issues more relevant to the ethics of data.



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