Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: Sixteen Challenges and Opportunities

Author: Brian Patrick Green

Publisher: Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University

Publication Year: 2020

Summary: The following article discusses how AI and machine learning is transforming society. As these are emerging technologies, we are at a crossroads for creating the foundation for how society will be transformed and taking steps to ensure the changes will be positive ones. The 16 challenges and opportunities with regards to AI ethics are as follows: 1). Technical safety; 2). Transparency and privacy; 3). Beneficial use and capacity for good; 4). Malicious use and capacity for evil; 5). Bias in data and training sets; 6). Unemployment/lack of purpose and meaning; 7). Growing socio-economic inequality; 8). Environmental effects; 9). Automating ethics; 10). Moral deskilling and debility; 11). AI consciousness, personhood, and “robot rights”; 12). Artificial General Intelligence and Superintelligence; 13). Dependency on AI; 14). AI-powered addiction; 15). Isolation and loneliness; and 16). Effect on the human spirit.