Heart Studies Allegedly Manipulated Data, Saying a Blood Thinner had Healing Effects

Author: Associated Press

Publisher: New York Post

Publication Year: 2022

Summary: The following article discusses a recent instance of possible data manipulation in a medical study. Temple University researchers authored a paper in which they concluded that the widely-used blood thinner, Xarelto, could have a healing effect on hearts. However, concerns were brought up regarding possible data manipulation in the heart studies written about in the paper, with an investigation now underway. This article serves as a relevant example of how unethical data practices can potentially harm others. The integrity and reliability of this report, and, consequently, the reputation of Xarelto itself as a viable prescription blood thinner, are now tainted due to lack of data ethics. Potential side effects/other issues with this drug could have likely been overlooked due to this data manipulation, which could potentially harm the millions of Xarelto users in the United States. Reading about this data manipulation also makes aware the lack of resources for misconduct investigations for federally-funded medical projects, and how that could impact the outcome of this case.