Considerations for addressing bias in artificial intelligence for health equity

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Author: Michael D. Abramoff et al

Publisher: Nature

Year: 2023

Summary: One interesting takeaway from this article is the Total Product Lifecycle (TPLC) approach, a fundamental framework for addressing bias in AI/ML-enabled medical devices within the healthcare system. TPLC represents a comprehensive perspective that encompasses all stages of an AI system’s development, from its initial conception to its ultimate impact on healthcare outcomes. This framework emphasizes that the evaluation of AI systems must extend beyond just the technology itself and consider the entire process in which it is integrated. Metrics related to equity, such as the impact on underserved populations and the potential for disparities, should be incorporated into the assessment and decision-making processes. The goal is to ensure that the introduction of AI/ML into healthcare not only improves overall outcomes but also minimizes any unintended exacerbation of health disparities. This framework will be very helpful for us to consider in our healthcare related practicum project.



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