First Do No Harm: An Exploration of Researchers’ Ethics of Conduct in Big Data Behavioral Studies

Author: Maddalena Favaretto, Eva De Clercq, Jens Gaab, Bernice Simone Elger

Publisher: National Library of Medicine

Publication Year: 2020

Summary: The following article focuses on the ethics in data science with the emergence of Big Data. The authors conducted 39 interviews with academic scholars in the United States and Switzerland about their own codes of ethics and research practices. Consent was identified as one of the most challenged practices in data research. In many scenarios, individuals are often unaware that their data is being collected and analyzed. And once that data has been analyzed, it can be nearly impossible for the individual to withdraw from a study or remove their data. Finally, the authors recommend an implementation of ethical reasoning/training from multiple fields: from psychology and social sciences to data science and engineering.