How to Implement an Actionable Data Ethics Framework

Author: John Story

Publisher: TechCrunch+

Publication Year: 2021

Publisher: The following resource provides ideas on how to incorporate proper data ethics policies into everyday businesses. A key idea in this framework is what the author calls the platinum rule, which is “treating people’s data the way they want it to be treated.” Likewise, the owner of the business should ensure privacy policies are more accessible to the user, rather than presenting it as a long, legal document that nobody has the time to read. The author also suggests forming a team dedicated to ethical data practices. This team is responsible for the ethical collection and maintenance of data, and the team should clearly communicate their intentions with stakeholders. Likewise, this team is responsible for continually monitoring and improving the organization’s data practices. Something must be done to improve operationally if the organization’s data practices are unethical, illegal, or simply out-of-date. If this is done properly, trust is preserved for all stakeholders.