Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: A Policymaker’s Introduction

Author: Jamie Baker

Publisher: Center for Security and Emerging Technology

Publication Year: 2021

Summary: The following article focuses on how policy can affect how artificial intelligence (AI) is utilized and both the negative and positive connotations of that. When creating law related to AI usage, there will always be gaps that will not be covered by law due to the expanse of AI use cases and lawmakers do not have the capacity or interest to regulate each aspect of AI usage. At the same time, AI regulation can prevent innovation. This article from Georgetown University looks at how ethical codes and principles can help fill this gap between no regulation and total regulation, with a focus on 3 tools to do this: 1). Ethical Guidelines, Principles, and Professional Codes, 2). Academic Internal Review Boards (IRBs), and 3). Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).