Why You Should Have an AI & Ethics Board

Author: Jack Berkowitz

Publisher: Information Week

Publication Year: 2022

Summary: The following article discusses how before using consumer data, technology companies need to evaluate if they need to use the data. Companies and organizations need to question where their data originates and how the algorithms interpret that data. In that data lies potential ethical risks, biases, and unintended consequences. It is important to think about the potential implications of adding features or products to a company’s line. One of the first things to do is develop data privacy guidelines to address transparency, how to share data, and how information is protected. Next, companies should establish guidelines to to govern the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Berkowitz suggests these 5: accountability and transparency, privacy by design, clarity, data governance, and ethical use of data. In order to enforce these guidelines, Berkowitz urges for the formation of an AI and ethics board comprised of an interdisciplinary team and a regular meeting schedule.