Children and the Data Cycle: Rights and Ethics in a Big Data World

Author: Gabrielle Berman, Kerry Albright

Publisher: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Office of Research

Publication Year: 2017

Summary: The following article calls attention to a group of people that will be some of the most affected by big data and yet have no voice to advocate for themselves: children. Child rights and ethics in data science needs to be integrated into the constitutions of private companies and public entities. They point out that although children are important stakeholders in big data, none of these technologies’ ethical checks have been designed for them. This inattention is extremely dangerous. They suggest that this lack of broad and coherent ethical frameworks will result in children suffering the hardest and the longest. 1 in 3 internet users is a child, for that reason change is necessary. In order to move forward scrutiny needs to be used at every step of the process: data generators, collectors, analysts and users.



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