Author: N/A
Publisher: United States Data Science Institute (USDSI)
Publication Year: N/A
Summary: The following article is a framework for how the USDSI operates from an ethical perspective and it is an excellent overview for a code of standards for ethics. The article starts with the 3 pillars as the the “three Vs”: Vision, values, and virtues. For vision, they state that they seek to achieve its vision to adhere to the quality standards of providing quality data scientists into the world that have their same shared vision. The next pillar is values; they state that having the correct professional conduct values is paramount. The third pillar is virtues, which they state as, generally, data science professionals should adhere to the highest quality and standards for practice in the industry. After the 3 pillars, the article goes on to list 6 important guidelines for how to implement ethics into everyday work as a data scientist. These six guidelines are excellent as they show a practical way to implement ethics into one’s day to day job as a data scientist.