Seven Legal Questions for Data Scientists

Author: Patrick Hall, Ayoub Ouederni

Publisher: O’Reilly

Publication Year: 2021

Summary: The following article poses 7 legal questions that data scientists should address before they deploy artificial intelligence (AI). Answering these questions should help you better align your organization’s technology with existing and future laws, leading to less discriminatory and invasive customer interactions, fewer regulatory or litigation headwinds, and better return on AI investments: 1). Fairness (Are there outcome or accuracy differences in model decisions across protected groups? Are you documenting efforts to find and fix these differences?); 2). Security (Have you incorporated applicable security standards in your model? Can you detect if and when a breach occurs?); 3). Agency (Is your AI system making unauthorized decisions on behalf of your organization?); 4). Negligence (How are you ensuring your AI is safe and reliable?); 5). Transparency (Can you explain how your model arrives at a decision?); and 6). Third Parties (Does your AI system depend on third-party tools, services, or personnel? Are they addressing these questions?).