Author: Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Publisher: Royal Statistical Society
Publication Year: 2019
Summary: The following article is a very well designed code of ethics that revolves around its defined 5 major themes of data ethics: 1). Seek to enhance the value of data science for society; 2). Avoid harm; 3). Apply and maintain professional competence; 4). Seek to preserve or increase trustworthiness; 5). Maintain accountability and oversight. The paper goes into great detail on each one of these topics and even provides examples for each one in the format of “what to do and how to do it.” For example, a data scientist should avoid harm by only using ethically sourced data and can do this by understanding the origin of the data, considering the privacy and fair use of individuals when using the data, and investigating the consents and legal uses of the data. This page also has a very well structured checklist at the end that uses a color coded checklist from start to finish of a data science project process. The steps covered in the checklist are project planning, data management, analysis and development, implementation and delivery, and communication and oversight.