Data Ethics Club: Creating a Collaborative Space to Discuss Data Ethics

Author: Nina H. Di Cara, Natalie Zelenka, Huw Day, Euan D.S. Bennet, Vanessa Hanschke, Valerio Maggio, Ola Michalec, Charles Radclyffe, Roman Shkunov, Emma Tonkin, Zoë Turner, Kamilla Wells

Publisher: National Library of Medicine

Publication Year: 2022

Summary: The following article discusses how awareness and management of ethical issues in data science are becoming crucial skills for data scientists. Discussion of contemporary issues in collaborative and interdisciplinary spaces is an engaging way to allow data-science work to be influenced by those with expertise in sociological fields and so improve the ability of data scientists to think critically about the ethics of their work. However, opportunities to do so are limited. Data Ethics Club is a fortnightly discussion group about data science and ethics whose community-generated resources are hosted publicly online. These include a collaborative list of materials around topics of interest and guides for leading an online data-ethics discussion group.



