Author: Keith D. Foote
Publisher: Dataversity
Publication Year: 2022
Summary: The following article discusses how in recent years, internet use has advanced very quickly, and unethical data use by internet businesses is rampant. This has led to the creation of various laws, such as Europe’s GDPR, California’s CCPA, and the Toronto Declaration (a landmark statement on protecting human rights in the age of artificial intelligence). Additionally, a Data Governance program (which includes policies that protect people’s personal information, as well as legal policies and regulations from around the world) can house a data ethics subprogram and can protect people’s personal information. Algorithms for machine learning should also be designed to learn from a users’ feedback, so that biases against any particular group can be prevented. Use of data ethics frameworks can appropriately guide the use of data. Applying synergy to data ethics can have multiple positive consequences as well.