Top 9 ethical issues in artificial intelligence

Author: Julia Bossmann

Publisher: World Economic Forum

Publication Year: 2016

Summary: The following article discusses 9 ethical issues with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the corresponding questions that should be asked: 1). Unemployment: What happens after the end of jobs; 2). Inequality: How do we distribute the wealth created by machines; 3). Humanity: How do machines affect our behavior and interaction; 4). Artificial stupidity: How can we guard against mistakes; 5). Racist robots: How do we eliminate AI bias; 6). Security: How do we keep AI safe from adversaries; 7). Evil genies: How do we protect against unintended consequences; 8). Singularity: How do we stay in control of a complex intelligent system; and 9). Robot rights: How do we define the humane treatment of AI?