Ethical Considerations in Social Media Analytics in the Context of Migration: Lessons Learned from a Horizon 2020 Project

Author: Jamie Mahoney

Publisher: SAGE Journals

Publication Year: 2022

Summary: The following article discusses how online social platforms are used all over the world, which makes them an appealing option for investigating various social phenomena like migration. However, monitoring the data from these sites raises ethical concerns over informed consent, especially for migrants, who are typically deemed to be more “vulnerable” populations. Big data has been used to fill the gaps in the difficulties of documenting international migration, and this paper addresses some of the ethical concerns of this process and ways to address them. There is an “asymmetry of power” between researcher and those who are being studied, an in the PERCEPTIONS project that the author outlines, they address this issue with transparency from the outset of their process and an agreement of various parties to abide by certain ethical principles.